Use the Tabs to the LEFT that apply to the Type of HQL you are interested in applying for:
FYI: This License is ONLY needed if you want to PURCHASE, RENT, or RECEIVE a Handgun in the State of Maryland as of October 1, 2013. You DO NOT need the MD HQL to possess a Handgun in Maryland.
Exceptions to Possession of the HQL License
1) A Licensed Firearm Manufacturer.
2) Active Law Enforcement Officer or a person Retired in good standing from a Law Enforcement Agency of the United States, the State, or a Local Law Enforcement Agency of the State.
3) Active or Retired Member of the United States Armed Forces or National Guard and possesses a valid Military Identification Card.
Military Identifications can be Identified as follows:
White I.D. with Magnetic Strip and DRIF Chip - Active Duty
Blue I.D. - Retired
Pink I.D. - Reserve
Light Brown I.D. - Dependent
4) A Person Purchasing, Renting or Receiving an Antique, Curio & Relic as defined in Federal Law.
5) Maryland Licensed Firearms Dealers.
Required to have the HQL, but exempt from the training component
1) Someone who completed a Certified Safety Course. The OLD Online Handgun Safety program formerly offered no longer complies with Maryland Law. It has been superseded by the new Maryland Firearms Safety Act of 2013 which became effective on October 1, 2013.
2) Has completed a Course of Instruction in the Competency and Safety of Firearms as prescribed under Natural Resources Article, §10-301.1, Annotated Code of Maryland. Application for the Maryland Department of Natural Resources Hunter Safety Course Certificate can be obtained from here and may be used in lieu of Qualified Handgun Instruction.
Per the M.S.P. a Hunter Safety Course qualifies as a exemption for Training. You can take a Texas Hunters Safety Course ONLINE and it satifies the HQL Training Requirement. Click HERE for details.
Here's the link to the Texas Parks & Wildlife website: Then click on "Online Course for Complete Certification."
Of the two online sources that offer the course, one costs a total of $29, with the other coming in at $18.
3) Is currently a Qualified Handgun Instructor.
4) Is an Honorably Discharged Member of the Armed Forces of the United States or National Guard.
5) Is an Employee of an Armored Car Company who has a Handgun Carry Permit issued by MSP.
6) Lawfully owns a Regulated Firearm. If you already own a Handgun or Assault Weapon prior to October 1, 2013, you do not have to complete the Training to apply for the Handgun Qualification License.
7) Has Purchased ANY Curio & Relic Handgun on a Maryland State Police 77R Form.
8) Has Purchased an AR15 Lower Receiver on a Maryland State Police 77r Form.
9) If you are still looking for your HQL and need a class to take "WE WOULD RECOMMEND".
Security Training Academy 8567 Fort Smallwood Rd. Unit C (along the left side of Dollar General) Pasadena, Maryland 21122 (443) 702-7891
Scott's Gunsmithing Service
231 Thelma Avenue
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Phone: 410 761-9815
Fax: 410-761-9816
You can also or use our contact form.
Tuesday 10:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M.
Wednesday 10:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M.
Thursday 10:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M.
Friday 10:00 A.M.-6:00 P.M.
Saturday 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M.